Thursday, April 23, 2009

Local press welcomes Obama’s stand on Mideast conflict

Author: Mohammad Ghazal
Source: The Jordan Times
Date: 2009-04-23

His Majesty King Abdullah's meeting with US President Barack Obama was the focus of editorials in the country's press on Wednesday, with many highlighting the two countries' commitment to the two-state solution as key to ending the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

The editorials also addressed Obama’s support for the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, emphasising King Abdullah's "Pan-Arab mission" to convey a unified Arab stance to the US administration. In remarks to the press Tuesday following his meeting with King Abdullah, Obama said he is a strong supporter of a two-state solution, pinpointing his country's support for the Arab peace overture, which offers Israel normalisation with the Arab world in return for withdrawal from Arab territories it occupied in 1967. "The Arab Peace Initiative is very constructive," he said.
Al Rai's editorial said the Monarch's meeting with Obama was the focus of Arab and international media as King Abdullah was at the White House to convey the unified Arab position aiming to resolve the decades-old Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

In its editorial, the newspaper shed light on the King's effective role in helping bring about peace in the region and urging the US to be effectively involved in finding a solution to the conflict, reporting that Obama's invitation to Egyptian, Palestinian and Israeli leaders to visit Washington for separate talks clearly shows the positive outcome of the King's effort.

Ad Dustour newspaper described the visit of King Abdullah, the first Arab leader to hold talks with Obama, as historic, saying it comes at a crucial time.

The daily emphasised that Obama’s commitment to the Arab peace plan and the two-state solution is of great significance as it comes at a time witnessing the rise of an extremist right-wing government in Israel. This goverment has refused to recognise Palestinians as peace partners and rejected the Annapolis accords, under which Palestinian-Israeli negotiations were relaunched to include final status issues, such as the fate of Jerusalem and a solution to the refugee problem, added the paper.

Al Arab Al Yawm's editorial said Obama’s decision to stress his commitment to the two-state solution and to welcome the Arab Peace Initiative is a significant indicator of the importance of the King's trip.

The newspaper added that Obama's clear endorsement of the two-state solution is a response to recent remarks by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who have both shown opposition to the Arab Peace Initiative and the creation of a viable and independent Palestinian state.

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