Thursday, April 23, 2009

We cannot afford to be protectionist - Queen Rania

Source: The Jordan Times
Date: 2009-04-23

Her Majesty Queen Rania on Wednesday noted that “the need for global philanthropy is more urgent than ever before”.

In her keynote address at the 8th Annual Global Philanthropy Forum Conference in Washington, DC, she pointed out that “the current economic crisis is wreaking havoc on development… But this conference itself is a powerful antidote to tough times”.
Donors, social investors and emblematic agents of change from around the world gathered at the conference to address global challenges in the areas of poverty, climate change, healthcare and access to education, in an effort to find shared solutions and collectively discuss strategic philanthropy objectives.

Highlighting the value of altruism inherent in the human act of giving, Queen Rania also expressed sincere gratitude to participants attending the annual conference, which also celebrates Earth Day, according to a statement released by Her Majesty’s office.
“All of you here, through your commitment and compassion, are extending lifelines of hope. And more than that, you’re tilling the soil from which social renewal can bloom,” she said.
After a brief pause of reflection, Queen Rania asked the audience a crucial question that lies at the very core of any effective global development debate: “How do we know when philanthropy is making a positive difference?”

Holding a jar of home-made apple jam in her hand, the Queen explained how the answer can be found in the story of a nine-year-old Jordanian girl, Leila, who showed appreciation to her community through a remarkably simple gesture.

“Leila’s lesson is that philanthropy means so much more than just giving money,” Queen Rania said as she narrated the little girl’s extraordinary story.

Leila, who comes from a disadvantaged neighbourhood outside Amman and is a member of the Madrasati student committee at her school, took up the challenge to come up with an idea that would make a healthy nutritional breakfast.

Realising what an excellent opportunity this offered for taking action, Leila decided to collect uneaten apples from her classmates, which she then made into an enormous jar of jam with the help of her mother.

In recognition of the efforts exerted by her community, which worked hard with the Madrasati team to revamp her school, Leila then offered the jam to her school friends for breakfast.
The jam was so delicious that Leila not only continued to feed the schoolchildren, but also began selling it in the local market with the intention of reinvesting her profits back into the school to refurbish the cafeteria and upgrade the computer lab.

“Philanthropy means giving bold thinkers like Leila the chance to lift their whole community and to realise the power within themselves to change things for the better,” Queen Rania said as she held up the jar of Leila’s homemade jam for the audience.

Highlighting the benefits of investing in educational reform, the Queen asserted, “When it comes to education, the power of philanthropy can be even bigger - not just within communities and countries but among them, stitching together humanity’s frayed seams, especially at a time of global turmoil.”

“Education is not only a problem, but also a solution - because when we look at the obstacles we face, education can help us overcome them all,” Her Majesty concluded.
Before the conference, Madrasati Programme Director Danah Dajani briefed the audience on the idea behind the initiative, highlighting progress and results achieved to date.
The Madrasati (my school) initiative, which Her Majesty launched last year as part of a five-year plan aimed at renovating and revitalising 500 of Jordan’s neediest schools, is currently targeting an additional 100 schools in Madaba, Balqa, Jerash and Ajloun.

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